As I was getting ready to pen down my thoughts & resolutions for the upcoming New Year, like most of us, I heard a podcast by my dear friend and our long-standing client, Karen Colligan – Passion and Work, Is it possible? Karen revokes a common saying you’ll come across – live your life with passion and success will follow. Initially, it took me by surprise because as an individual I have always relied on ‘passion’ for work or personal growth. This single sentiment has been the cornerstone of my being. But a short exercise in the podcast helped me create a new ‘Circle of Life’. The drill pushed me to think beyond ‘passion’ and about other aspects of my life that I do love but may have neglected. The outcome of this exercise is to pause and rethink your approach towards your life. I am amazed and surprised how this short exercise has pushed me to get out my comfort zone and rethink about my career, personal, health, and spiritual goals.
In this past year, at PDS, we’ve been challenged, questioned and asked to reinvent our ways multiple times. And we’ve embraced each one of those challenges with full vigor and dedication as a team. That’s why we are truly blessed to have our trusted clients standing along our side and taking the leap into the upcoming year. I am grateful for all the success, opportunities and failures we’ve had this year as they have allowed us to grow and stay strong.
I sincerely pray this coming New Year helps us all to find our ‘holistic wellbeing’ for inner peace and growth in 2018.
Please click on the link below to hear the podcast and do the exercise:
Wish you and your family a healthy, joyous and fun-filled New Year.